I am Florida girl living in a Georgia world and I LOVE it! I grew up in a town in South Florida called Fort Myers, many of us refer to it as “The Fort”. It is a beach town, and the winter home for Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. Actually it is home to some world famous beaches. Sanibel Island and Captiva are two of my favorite places to spend the day. The water is crystal Caribbean clear, there is an abundance of shells, and more than likely you will find yourself swimming along side dolphins. Have you ever watched Sweet Home Alabama with Reece Witherspoon? Those beach scenes were filmed on Captiva.
We moved to Georgia 5 years ago from Central Florida, and I fell in love with this beautiful state. I have enjoyed experiencing all four seasons for the first time in my life. I love all of the natural fun that this state has to offer. I love that I can swim in a lake, take a ride down a rock slide, float down a river or hike a mountain to take in some breathtaking summit views. I have a Georgia Bucket List hanging on our wall that gets updated every year. It consists of places or restaurants I want to check out for the first time, or revisit.
I married my Charming over a decade ago and we have 3 beautiful children together. Our days and weeks consist of family dinners, movie nights, dancing in the kitchen, outdoor bbq’s, and waking up to a bed full of extra little’s that shouldn’t be there.
My life has been pretty extraordinary. I have traveled the globe, mostly working in villages helping people, but there were some adventures and vacations thrown in there as well. I have criss-crossed this great nation that I love, seeing its beauty and majesty. I have been given the gift to be a mom, found a love that is “reach for the stars, over the fence world series kind of love”, and truly enjoy the small things in life.
I hope you will stick around and not only see and meet some gorgeous humans, but follow along with me as I share some of my favorite things in this world.
Check out the images below for some of our family pictures over the years.
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