I met Tyler and Chase in October 2018, for a bridal consult for their December wedding. When I meet a new couple for the first time I get nervous, come on, who wouldn’t. But moments after meeting them at Starbucks, I was at ease. They are the sweetest, genuine, one of a kind couple. They are always at ease and up for anything.
I haven’t seen Tyler and Chase since their wedding in December 2018, so I was so excited to see them and catch up with them. They remembered all their posing instructions and Chase nailed the nuzzle!
With covid-19 restrictions we decided on a new location that I had never been to before called Prospect Farm. They built a new reclaimed window greenhouse for photographers and it is stunning. Just take a look below.
Tyler and Chase I am so excited for you both. You are going to be amazing parents, your son is a very blessed little boy.
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