Our prophesied little boy turn eight. God told us he was coming before we knew!
Every year I want to take the time to capture my kids at their birthday. Some of these birthday sessions are planned out in advance with locations carefully scouted and the web scoured for the perfect outfit. Downtown Ft. Myers was my third option for a location and his outfit was just pulled from his closet. When I mentioned birthday pictures to Judah it wasn’t an option, his only request was wanting baseball pictures.
We began his birthday shoot in downtown Fort Myers. We found some great spots. My favorite is the stairwell. When shooting young kids a photographer has to move quickly and have 3 close locations in mind because they won’t last long. After about 10 minutes Judah was ready to hit the baseball field.
The baseball field near our house also shares a parking lot for the peewee football team and that day was the football jamboree. There was no parking spots and it looked like the baseball fields were locked up. But where there is a will there is a way. A gentleman mowing the fields was gracious enough to let us in for a few minutes to take a few pictures. Judah loves his baseball pictures but this mom is leaning more towards the downtown pictures. Take a look below and let me know which one’s you prefer best.
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