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I love exploring new places. It can be something as simple as walking into a new restaurant or as grand as an unforgettable hike. But to find somewhere wonderful you never knew existed in your own backyard can bring a whole new level of excitement. When I met with Jorge and Destalee they said they […]

Lakes Park Engagement Session

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In the spring, each week at the Vines Garden Park gets better and better!  I have been to the park for shoots several times over the past few weeks and each time I go, a different section of the grounds is in full bloom and it is gorgeous! It is no surprise the Vines Garden […]

Vines Garden Park | Loganville, Ga | Engagement Session

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I drove up to Greenville, SC to meet up with Chad and Leigh Ann for an engagement session. I have seen so many pictures and ad’s about Greenville, I have been wanting to adventure in the Greenville area for awhile, especially Falls Park on the Reedy.  Falls park is this beautiful park that looks like […]

Greenville Engagement | Falls Park on the Reedy

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Cassie reached out to me last fall about photographing her wedding. We met at Charming and mines favorite Friday morning date spot, Einstein Bagel. Over bagels and coffee, I got to hear all about Cassie and Austin’s story, as well as Cassie’s vision for her wedding and her love for the Disney movie Tangled. I […]

A Tangled Engagement