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I met this beautiful human when I was 16 years old. We attended college together, taught together, and even lived together for a short time. She is known to my kids as Aunt Mina or Aunt Amanda. She has always been there for me, a sounding board, and a voice of wisdom amongst the noise. […]

Ft. Myers Maternity Pictures

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This blog post is a special one!! As we approach the one year mark of the entire world shutting down, I wanted to take a moment and look back at the good from such a hard, unique year.  So, I have spent time curating every single session from this past year, when everything shut down […]

2020 Favorites

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I met Tyler and Chase in October 2018, for a bridal consult for their December wedding. When I meet a new couple for the first time I get nervous, come on, who wouldn’t. But moments after meeting them at Starbucks, I was at ease. They are the sweetest, genuine, one of a kind couple. They […]

Greenhouse Maternity Session